Snuffles Breedable Pets in Second Life 77,905 Snuffles in Second Life, with 2,380 owners & growing! #snufflemania

Snuffle Energy Items

Learn about this item

Energy Crystals are used to perform special functions using your Nest Tree such as putting a Snuffle back into its Burrow or turning it into a Lifepet.

Although you don't need Energy to breed your Snuffles it is advisable to have on hand to help you with trading. Energy is held on a player's account.


Re-burrow and lifepet.

Snuffles Items in Second Life

Energy Crystals

Energy crystals allow you to add energy units to player account. Simply place them on the ground and touch them to add your new energy units.

Once this item is used the energy is stored on your player account, so you can never lose it.

Buy available items:

Tiny Energy Crystal (50L$)
(50 energy)
Buy Snuffles Breedables for Second Life
Small Energy Crystal (495L$)
(500 energy)
Buy Snuffles Breedables for Second Life
Medium Energy Crystal (1,900L$)
(2,000 energy)
Buy Snuffles Breedables for Second Life
Large Energy Crystal (9,800L$)
(10,000 energy)
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